Friday, November 30, 2012

ia mix 84 - fLako

inverted audio brings a true couch surfing journey by fLako, whose versatile and delicate taste matured on the chile-germany-uk axis. i would let the follwing hour of cinematic sonic illusions speak themselves.

01. Carlos Niòo & Friends - Mezame (Awakening) Featuring Miguel Atwood-Ferguson
02. Arts The Beatdoctor - Il404 (Flako Remix) (Exclusive) From Upcoming 'Lazy Thunder" Ep
03. Flako - Mating Dance (Exclusive) From Upcoming 'Eclosure' Ep Via 'Five Easy Pieces'
04. Joel Vandroogenbroeck & W. Rockman - Goatherd
05. Misel Quitno - Get Up Its Crumblingday
06. Data70 - Test Tubes (Dirg Edit)
07. James Zoo - Slaves Mass
08. Airto Moreira - M„E Cambina
09. Es (Sami S‰Np‰Kkil‰) - Les Fleurs Sont Des Bonnes Auditrices
10. Misel Quitno - Treehouse Leaves Blowing
11. Sonnymoon - Watersboiled
12. Brigitte Fontaine - Il Se Passe Des Choses
13. Misel Quitno - Pull It Out Somewhen
14. Soosh - Too Soon (Flako Remix) (Exclusive) From Upcoming 'Soosh' Ep Via Up My Alley
15. Flako - Hole In The Dark (Exclusive) From Upcoming 'Hit+Run' Presents 'Road Kill Vol.3'
16. Crescent - Our River
17. Flako & Brokenchord- Come Back As A Flower
18. Violeta Parra - Gracias A La Vida

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