Monday, September 19, 2005

delaying ret ter festival

last year`s ent ret festival was a ver nice one (you can grab`n`hear my set if you look to the right in the mixes section) and this year it was planned to have in september under the title "Ret Ter". due to decent amount of raining it was postponed (and postponed again:) ). they organised very quickly a free night at "Kino Cafe" tho (it was fun to play there and became a good show). it`s sad because the rain day will be held right after a month in an abandoned factory. not that bad at all, but the field has its own mood which i`ll miss. you see?
i miss this (the pagoda from the forest and look toward for the field)
and this (the field itself from the pagoda)

the guys surely missed these after drinkin`em...

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